
A.P.U.E. - source & contents

Yoons... 2007. 5. 19. 17:49
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-56317-7.
  • Additional Information: Table of Contents, Preface, etc.
  • Current errata.
  • Foreign language translations.
  • Source code for all examples in the book (170K compressed tar file).
    • Source code for all examples in the book (170K compressed tar file). This tar file was supplied by a reader who modified the library for RedHat Linux 5.0. The directory lib.rhlin contains this library--the remainder of the tar file should be identical to the standard tar file (previous bullet). This reader reports that he did not test all the programs under Linux, he just worked on the library that is required by all the programs.

      Here is an updated version of the Linux source code, supplied by a reader, that supposedly works under RedHat 5.0 and 5.1.

      Here is an another version of the Linux source code, supplied by a reader, that supposedly works under RedHat 6.0.

    • Problems with descriptor passing under Solaris 2.6.
    • Hints for compiling under HP-UX 9.04.




1. Introduction (a "whirlwind tour of Unix")
2. Unix Standardization and Implementations
3. File I/O
4. Files and Directories
5. Standard I/O Library
6. System Data Files and Information
7. The Environment of a Unix Process
8. Process Control
9. Process Relationships
10. Signals
11. Terminal I/O
12. Advanced I/O
13. Daemon Processes
14. Interprocess Communication
15. Advanced Interprocess Communication
16. A Database Library
17. Communicating with a PostScript Printer
18. A Modem Dialer
19. Pseudo Terminals

A. Function Prototypes
B. Miscellaneous Source Code (all source code is available for download)
C. Solutions to Selected Exercises